Withdrawal Policy and Procedures

Withdrawal Policy

From time-to-time circumstances may arise that make students unable to continue their enrollment for the remainder of the current term. Students can request to withdraw from a course(s) starting the first day of classes and before the ending of the 5th week of classes. Students must initiate the withdrawal process in order to formally discontinue their enrollment in a course or at the college. This is a collaborative process that requires student responsibility, student affairs, academic affairs, financial aid, and the bursars.

Tuition & Fees:

Any student who receives a Withdrawal remains responsible for the course tuition and fees

Policy Statement

Students seeking to withdraw from HFCN as defined by this policy must comply with the processes established by the Office of the Registrar. Withdrawal from the College is categorized in four classifications, each with distinct processes and documentation requirements. These classifications include Administrative Withdrawal, Program Withdrawal, Withdrawal, and Leave of Absence.

Withdrawal Procedures

Students must begin the withdrawal process with their academic advisor or course Professor. Students can obtain all withdrawal forms online and submit their completed forms to the Dean of Student Support. All forms are processed by the Office of the Registrar, with the student’s semester course(s) withdrawn based on the effective date on the form. (The Financial Aid Office will adjust any awarded aid, and The Bursars Office will recalculate the Tuition and fees, if appropriate).
When students contact their academic advisor/Professor to initiate a withdrawal, they should expect to discuss their situation and outcomes. The purpose of this conversation is to consider options based on the consequences of withdrawing.
Withdrawing during final examination week is prohibited. Students who do not follow the appropriate withdrawal process will remain enrolled in their course(s) and will receive their earned grade(s) for the course.

Terms and Definitions:

Administrative Withdrawal

Administrative Withdrawals are granted by the Provost, Program Director and Assistant VP of Student Support for one or more classes under serious, unforeseen circumstances that present a considerable obstacle to course completion (e.g., severe injury, physical or mental illness, death in the family, and failure to remain compliant with CB clinical requirements). Any student who receives an AW will have this listed on the transcript. AWs do not factor into either term or cumulative grade point averages and no credit will be awarded.

NOTE: If you need to withdraw from one or more classes for medical/health reasons, you should petition for an Administrative Withdrawal (HFCN does not have a “medical withdrawal” option).

To be considered for an AW, you must submit an administrative withdrawal form. Only two AW’s are allowed during the course of the program. Each form will be considered separately and decisions will be made on a case-by-case basis.

College Initiated withdrawal or Drop for Non-Participation

Students who are enrolled at Helene Fuld College of Nursing courses will be administratively withdrawn for non-participation at the end of week one if no attendance is recorded. Students who do not participate during the first week forfeit their rights to be reinstated into the course during the term. Any refund will be pro-rated based on the current refund policy for tuition.

Never attending, dropping or withdrawing may have short and long-term consequences for students including financial aid eligibility and satisfactory academic progression based on course availability. Names of those students who are removed for non-participation will be forwarded to course faculty, program director, and financial aid advisor.

Program Withdrawal

A program Withdrawal is when the student leaves Helene Fuld College of Nursing. To withdraw from Helene Fuld College of Nursing at any time during a semester, a student must first confer with Assistant VP of Student Support. Who will provide a form requiring the signatures of appropriate college personnel. If the student has a passing grade at the time of withdrawing, as determined by the instructor, the student is issued a Withdraw Passing grade (WP). “WP” does not affect GPA. If the student has a failing grade while withdrawing, as determined by the instructor, the student is issued a Withdraw Failing grade (WF). “WF” is calculated in the GPA as an F. WP or WF is noted on the student’s transcript.

Students who refuse to withdraw will receive failing grades in all currently enrolled courses.

Students called to active military service are responsible for providing a copy of the appropriate military orders.

A student who withdraws from the program will need to formally reapply, if he/she desires to re-enroll. There is no guarantee of re-admission.

Withdrawal (W), Withdrawal Pass (WP) / Withdrawal Fail (WF)

Students may withdraw from a course with a W during the first week of classes by submitting a completed withdrawal form.

Students who withdraw after the first week of classes and before the end of the 5th week of the semester will receive a WP/WF. Students must submit a completed withdrawal form no later than Friday of the 5th week of the semester to the Dean of Student Support.

If the student has a passing grade at the time of withdrawing, as determined by the instructor, the student is issued a Withdraw Passing grade (WP). “WP” does not affect GPA. If the student has a failing grade at the time of withdrawing, as determined by the instructor, the student is issued a Withdraw Failing grade (WF). “WF” is calculated in the GPA as an F. WP or WF is noted on the student’s transcript. Only two WP/WF are allowed during the program.

Students who receive two are more Withdrawal Fails (WF) will be considered for academic dismissal and must meet with the Academic Standards Committee before re-entering.

Leave of Absence (LOA)

LOA is a voluntary leave, which is defined as an active student status representing an approved temporary break from the college for one or more terms, and with intent to return in a future term within one-year duration.

A voluntary leave may be requested for national service, serious illness, or for personal or financial reasons. A student considering a voluntary leave should also consult his or her Program Director and Dean of Student Support. A voluntary leave should be requested prior to the semester in which the leave is taken, if possible. Upon return, the student may be subject to academic testing and/or remediation to assure the student is ready to move forward in the program.

A student on a voluntary leave may not enroll in another academic institution during the period of leave without prior approval from his or her academic program.

A student who is granted a voluntary leave is still required to complete all degree requirements within the specified time of enrollment. A leave does not extend the specific time period for obtaining a degree.

This policy does not have any effect on the exemption of students from student loan repayments. Before taking a voluntary leave of absence, a student should contact his or her lender regarding repayment obligations that may arise as a result of their leave. A student should also consult the Financial Aid Office to discuss any impact the leave may have on financial aid.

Students who request a LOA will receive either WP/WF depending on their grade status at the time of leaving. Withdrawal Fail (WF) or withdrawal pass (WP) will appear on the student’s official transcript where they would ordinarily see a grade.

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