Helene Fuld College of Nursing

Student Learning Outcomes (AAS)


At the completion of the program, the HFCN Associate of Applied Science graduate is expected to achieve the following program outcomes:
  • Demonstrate the ability to communicate using standard American English with an emphasis on clarity and purpose.
  • Utilize appropriate therapeutic communication that demonstrates caring and sensitivity to clients, their families, and their communities.
  • Incorporate the biological sciences, social sciences, and humanities into the practice of professional nursing.
  • Recognize the impact of physical and psychosocial influences on the client’s health status when providing individualized nursing care.
  • Within a theoretical framework, provide quality, evidence-based nursing care to culturally diverse populations.
  • Utilize critical thinking to develop evidence based, individualized plans of care that relate nursing theory to clinical practice.
  • Utilize information technology to communicate, to access resources, and to provide client-centered care.
  • Educate clients and families about health promotion, disease prevention, and desired outcomes.
  • Demonstrate professional responsibility and ethical and legal practices.
  • Express a commitment to lifelong learning and educational advancement.