Helene Fuld College of Nursing now accepts entrance exams from ATI, NLN or HESI. Please contact the test administrator to schedule the exam and have the results sent directly to admission@helenefuld.edu. Exam results are valid for one year from the date of exam.
Once an applicant has completed and submitted their NursingCAS application, along with all of their official transcripts, an admissions representative will email the applicant with instructions on how to register and pay for the TEAS entrance exam if they have been approved to advance in the admissions process.
There is a $80 TEAS exam fee; payment can be made through the HFCN payment portal (link will be provided through email).
The TEAS test consists of the following topics:
For more information, please visit the Assessment Technologies Institute, LLC, website at: www.atitesting.com. Materials best suited to preparing for the TEAS exam are:
What is the TEAS?
The ATI TEAS, or Test of Essential Academic Skills, is a standardized test designed specifically to assess a student’s preparedness for entering the health science fields. Questions are designed to test the basic academic skills you will need to perform successfully in the areas of: Reading, Math, Science, and English and Language Usage.
Why do I (the student) have to take the TEAS?
The ATI TEAS has been statistically proven to be a valid predictor of early nursing school success. Your score on the TEAS is one measure of academic preparedness that helps [institution name] consider your acceptance into our nursing program(s).
What does the TEAS exam consist of?
The ATI TEAS test is comprised of 170 questions that are formatted as both multiple choice items with 4 answer options and alternate-type items. This includes 150 scored questions and 20 unscored pretest questions. Students have 209 minutes to complete the exam.
ATI TEAS, version 7, the number of questions in each content section and subsection are as follows:
How should I prepare for the TEAS exam?
ATI, the official provider of prep for the exam, recommends that you allow yourself at least six weeks to prepare for the exam.
There are a variety of prep resources available to help you study for the test – all aligned to the ATI TEAS, Version 7 and packed with thousands of practice questions based on the content and format of the actual exam.