Helene Fuld College of Nursing
Our College greatly appreciates your financial support. Some generous folks have given in honor of their mother who was a nurse. Others give to help support our students, many of whom work full time while caring for their families and attending school. Financial obstacles often interfere, so scholarships are invaluable. We are happy to name a scholarship for a person you would like to honor.
One of the primary ways we educate nurses to care for patients is through simulation. Our newly opened Simulation Center houses mannequins who can give birth, have a seizure or have trouble breathing, allowing our students to give hands on care in a safe environment. Mannequins and hospital equipment are extremely expensive; donors may like to support the purchase of an IV pump, medication cart or defibrillator to list just a few.
Our President, Dr. Joyce Griffin-Sobel, would be delighted to talk with you about these and other needs the College has, and discuss your thoughts about support.