Helene Fuld College of Nursing

Curriculum Plan (Generic BS)

Generic Bachelor of Science Curriculum Plan
Semester  Credits
Semester I—Fall 1
SCI 200 Life Sciences 3
HIST 218 Major Topics in American History 3
BEH 231G Introduction to Psychology 3
ENG 281G Composition and Introduction to Research 3
NUR 325 Information Technology Applied to Nursing 3
Total Semester Credits 15
Semester II—Winter 1
SCI 201G Anatomy & Physiology I 3
HIS 217 20th Century World History 3
BEH 232G Human Development 3
ENG 282G Introduction to Literature 3
PHIL 316 Introduction to Philosophy 3
Total Semester Credits 15
Semester III—Spring 1
NUT 200 Nutrition 3
SCI 202G Anatomy & Physiology II 4
SPAN 207 Conversational Spanish 3
BEH 233G Introduction to Sociology 3
Total Semester Credits 13
Semester IV—Fall 2
NUR 200 Foundations of Nursing 6
SCI204G Microbiology 3
NUR347 Holistic Assessment 3
SCI 305 Selected Topics in Biochem/Physics 4
Total Semester Credits 16
Semester V—Winter 2
NUR 221G Medical-Surgical Nursing I 6
NUR 300 Pharmacology 3
SCI 326 Pathophysiology 3
SS 419 Health Policy 3
Total Semester Credits 15
Semester VI—Spring 2
NUR 223G Parent-Child Health Nursing 6
SS 306 Social Science Statistics 4
NUR 315 Nursing Theory 3
NUR 337 Transcultural Nursing and the Nurse as Educator 4
Total Semester Credits 17
Semester VII—Fall 3
NUR 222G Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing 3
NUR 228 Healthcare Needs of the Geriatric Client 3
NUR 336 Nursing Research and Evidence-Based Practice 3
NUR 418 Environmental Issues in Urban Community Health Nursing* 6
Total Semester Credits 15
Semester VIII—Winter 3
NUR 224G Medical-Surgical Nursing II 5
ANTH205 Anthropology of Health and Healing 3
NUR 429G Leadership and Accountability 3
NUR439 Capstone (Independent Study) 4
Total Semester Credits 15