Helene Fuld College of Nursing

Castlebranch Non-compliance

Castle Branch Non-compliance Suspension Process

Helene Fuld College of Nursing (HFCN) partners with Castle Branch (CB) for clinical compliance document management. Here’s what you need to know about the process for handling non-compliance and suspension:

  • Students receive CB compliance requirements during orientation and upon conditional acceptance to the College.
  • All students must be CB compliant upon entering the College and throughout their enrollment, as outlined in the student handbook and College Catalog.
  • CB sends reminders for upcoming compliance item expiration dates and non-compliant items.
  • Every Monday, the HFCN compliance officer runs reports to identify non-compliant students. A $100 non-compliance fee is added.
  • Non-compliant students receive reminder emails and must resolve compliance by Wednesday to avoid suspension.
  • On Wednesday, another report is run. Non-compliant students are moved to suspension, and their Canvas access is removed.
  • A final report is run on Friday. If compliance is resolved, students may be reinstated with associated fees. Students may be subject to a $250 fee to their account.
  • Students remaining non-compliant on Friday are placed under full-term suspension.
  • Suspended students receive WP or WF grades, and student services communicate with program directors.
  • The student is provided a letter of intent with information on returning, advising, financial impacts, and non-compliance fees.
Please note: Communication is batched, and timings may vary due to holidays.

Castlebranch Non-compliance Fee

Dear Students,

The College has noted a large number of students who are not in compliance for their health requirements in Castlebranch when the semester is beginning. Some are suspended for failing to bring their accounts into compliance after numerous warnings. It is too burdensome for the College to continue to notify students repeatedly about their accounts being out of compliance. Therefore, beginning January 15, 2023, the following policy change will be instituted:

With registration, students will receive notification of the date that Castlebranch compliance in entirety must be achieved and documented. Subsequent to that date, students who receive the first official notification that their compliance is deficient will incur a fee of $100. If a student is suspended for noncompliance, a fee of $250 will be imposed in order for the student to be reinstated.

Students, please keep your Castlebranch account up to date at all times in order to avoid additional fees.
Thank you.

President Griffin-Sobel