- Students receive CB compliance requirements during orientation and upon conditional acceptance to the College.
- All students must be CB compliant upon entering the College and throughout their enrollment, as outlined in the student handbook and College Catalog.
- CB sends reminders for upcoming compliance item expiration dates and non-compliant items.
- Every Monday, the HFCN compliance officer runs reports to identify non-compliant students. A $100 non-compliance fee is added.
- Non-compliant students receive reminder emails and must resolve compliance by Wednesday to avoid suspension.
- On Wednesday, another report is run. Non-compliant students are moved to suspension, and their Canvas access is removed.
- A final report is run on Friday. If compliance is resolved, students may be reinstated with associated fees. Students may be subject to a $250 fee to their account.
- Students remaining non-compliant on Friday are placed under full-term suspension.
- Suspended students receive WP or WF grades, and student services communicate with program directors.
- The student is provided a letter of intent with information on returning, advising, financial impacts, and non-compliance fees.
Please note: Communication is batched, and timings may vary due to holidays.