Helene Fuld College of Nursing

Academic Policies

The following policies and procedures are designed to ensure that all students meet the academic standards for successful program completion. It is the responsibility of HFCN students to familiarize themselves with the guidelines set forth by the College and to act in accordance with them.

Grade Quality Points
95 – 100 4.0
90 – 94 3.7
85 – 89 3.5
80 – 84 3.0
78 – 79 2.5
74 – 77 2.0
70 – 73 1.7
65 – 69 1.3
60 – 64 1.0
Below 60 0
  • W Withdrew through 3rd week of course in AAS program or 5th week in BS program (will not affect GPA).
  • WP Withdrew passing – after 3rd week of course in AAS program or 5th week in BS program (will not effect GPA).
  • WF Withdrew failing – after 3rd week of course in AAS or 5th week in BS program (computed as a course failure).
  • C+/78% is the passing grade in all nursing and science courses, including Selected Topics in Chemistry and Mathematics.
  • C+ is the passing grade for the behavioral science and English courses.
  • A transfer course is recorded on the final transcript, but is not computed in the GPA.


To compute the quarterly GPA, multiply quality-points earned by the credits in each course. Add up the total number of quality points earned in all courses and divide by the total number of credits. For example, if a student receives an A in a 3-credit course, a B in a 3-credit course and a C in a 4-credit course, the GPA will be:

Grade Quality Points Credits Total Quality Points
A 4.0 3 12
B 3.0 3 9
C 2.0 4 8

Total Quality Points: 12 + 9 + 8 = 29
Total Credits: 3 + 3 + 4 = 10

GPA: 29 ÷ 10 = 2.9


Course instructors use a combination of quizzes (announced and unannounced), unit tests, formal writing assignments, discussion board postings, and a final examination to arrive at the course grade. Faculty reserve the right to refuse written assignments and correspondence, which are not appropriately neat, legible, and written in Standard English.

Instructors review their specific grading criteria with students during the initial class period. Evaluation of student achievement is calculated using only measurable academic assignments that are directly related to the course objectives and that are identified in the syllabus. No points are assigned for non-academic or unplanned activities such as attendance and participation. Grades are not curved and only the final course grade is rounded up.

Each student’s work is evaluated individually. Evaluation of all course objectives is contained in the grading rubric (quizzes, exams, clinical/laboratory assignments, etc.). Some course requirements are included in the grading rubric but will only be calculated after the achievement of a minimum course grade of 78.0. These items will be clearly indicated in the course syllabus.

During the final clinical week, students in the AAS program receive quarterly individual clinical evaluations and cumulative summaries.

Students in the AAS program who are enrolled in nursing courses must complete all assigned focused reviews and remediation prior to taking the Integrated Kaplan exams. All Integrated exams must be completed and remediated prior to attending the required Kaplan NCLEX-RN Review.


Permanent records, which are retained for seven years after completion, withdrawal, or dismissal from the program, include:

  • High School Transcripts
  • Academic Transcripts
  • Transcripts used to validate advanced standing


  • All students must have earned a minimum Grade Point Average (GPA) of 2.0 by the end of their first quarter (AAS program) or semester (BS program) to continue in the program.
  • To remain in good standing, all full-time students must attain a cumulative GPA of 2.35 by the beginning of the second quarter (AAS program) or second semester (BS program). Students not meeting this requirement are subject to dismissal. A full-time student who changes from full-time to part-time must attain a cumulative GPA of 2.35 by the end of their second part-time quarter (AAS program) or second part-time semester (BS program) or be subject to dismissal.
  • Part-time students must attain a cumulative GPA of 2.35 by the beginning of the fourth quarter (AAS program) or second semester (BS program) or be subject to dismissal. A part-time student who has a cumulative GPA that falls below 2.35 more than once after the third quarter (AAS program) or first semester (BS program) will be subject to dismissal.
  • All students must earn a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.35 to graduate.
  • All students must successfully pass dosage calculation exams within their clinical courses to progress (this policy is in effect starting January 2020 and supersedes any prior dosage calculation policies including those listed in older versions of handbooks and catalogs).
    • Students who are enrolled in NUR 221/NUR 221G must pass the Dosage Calculation Test I with a grade of 100% or higher to be promoted to NUR 222/NUR 222G.
    • Students who are enrolled in NUR 222/NUR 222G must pass the Dosage Calculation Test II with a grade of 100% or higher to be promoted to NUR 223/NUR 223G.
    • Students who are enrolled in NUR 223/NUR 223G must pass Dosage Calculation Test III with a grade of 100% or higher to be promoted to NUR 224/NUR 224G.
    • All students will have three opportunities during the term to take each test. Students who do not pass the test after the second attempt, must meet with a faculty member to discuss progress, and receive tutoring BEFORE attempting the third test. If after the third attempt, the student is unable to pass the exam, he/she cannot progress to the next nursing course and may be dismissed from the program.